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Stomach Ulcers

Theresa Carlstedt

Updated: May 20, 2024

Stomach Ulcers - natural ways to heal - Shaklee Food Supplements

More than 50% of the stomach ulcers in America are due to a bacterial infection with H. Pylori.  The causes of stomach ulcers is not always know but they have been caused by diet, beverages, cleaners, and high acidic diet. Stress and food allergies have also caused ulcers and auto-immune disease.  Energy drinks, medications, and alcohol have been know to cause ulcers as well.

What lifestyle causes stomach ulcers?

There are several things that have been known to cause stomach ulcers.  The number one cause is energy drinks followed closely by high levels of alcohol, smoking, and stress.  According to the NHS of UK there is little evidence to what causes stomach ulcers, but they do note that smoking increases your risk of developing stomach ulcers and may make treatment less effective.


Can you live normally with a stomach ulcer? 

The answer is Yes but No.  When you have a stomach ulcer you need to make changes to your diet and lifestyle because you are dealing with stomach and possibly a colon de-genitive condition.  Changes to your diet is essential for healing.  


Living life and socializing with peptic ulcer disease may be tricky, but it doesn't have to be a problem. Stick to a healthy eating plan and avoid fatty and spicy foods and abstaining from alcohol is helpful in ulcer healing.  There are many ways to enjoy socializing but avoid alcohol, sodas, and sugary drinks.


What are the symptoms of an ulcer in your stomach? 

  • pain or discomfort in the upper part of your abdomen, anywhere between your belly button and breastbone.

  • feeling full too soon while eating a meal.

  • feeling uncomfortably full after eating a meal.

  • nausea and vomiting.

  • bloating.

  • belching.


What can be mistaken for a stomach ulcer?  Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) occurs when stomach acid enters the esophagus. Peptic ulcers are open sores that can form in the lining of the stomach or the first part of the small intestine. Both GERD and ulcers can cause similar symptoms, like burning upper abdominal pain and nausea.  Source:



How do you naturally health stomach ulcers and/or GERDS

Here are some recommendations by Dr. Richard Brouse from - Build a Better You:

For stress ulcers – exercise, relaxation, and sound sleep.  Supplementing with Stress Relief Complex and garlic along with the other recommended products.   

Stomach Ulcers - How to heal the ulcers naturally - organic solutions

Drink a small glass of fresh cabbage juice 3 times a day between meals.  To kill the H. Pylori bacteria, take Pepto Bismol 6 tablespoons a day for 7 days.  Drink green tea several times a day to prevent growth of the bacteria.  Eat small and frequent meals, prepared simply from fresh vegetables and fruits, ‘clean’ proteins, and whole grains and legumes. 

Recommended Supplements are:

  • Pre/Pro Optiflora Biotics 3X a day.

  • Soy Energizing Protein – builds healthy cells

  • Vita – Lea – Daily Multi Vitamin – feeds cells and nourishes the body

  • Vivix – anti-inflammatory, repairs cellular DNA, and slows aging

  • Alfalfa Complex – blood cleanser and antihistamine

  • B-Complex – stress reducer and nerve and brain healing

  • Stress Relief Complex – 1 – 3 a day

  • Energizing Green Tea – only Shaklee’s as they are pesticide, chemical, and GMO free

  • Zinc Complex –

  • Garlic – Anti-fungal and harmful bacteria killing

  • Good Gut and Go – bowel regularity and fiber


Healing is a daily journey. 

Avoid chewing gum, alcohol, caffeine, carbonated beverages, dairy products, large animal protein meals, fried foods, spices, dairy milk, aspirins and NSAIDS, and all antacid use.   


What is H-Pylori bacteria?

Garlic and/or grapefruit seed extract may help kill H-Phlori bacteria which is thought to be a contributing factor to ulcers.  This bacteria has an alkaline mantle making it acid-resistant (protects it from destruction by normal stomach HCL acid). H-pylori bacteria also has the ability to ‘burrow’ into the stomach mucous lining where it can further hide from the HCI & cause damage to stomach lining, in turn creating an immune response and inflammation.  This process creates a state of symbiosis further disabling the digestive process.


Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis is an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that causes long-lasting inflammation in part of your digestive tract. Ulcerative colitis usually affects only the innermost lining of your large intestine (colon) and rectum. It occurs only through continuous stretches of your colon, unlike Crohn's disease, which occurs anywhere in the digestive tract and often spreads deeply into the affected tissues.

Stomach Ulcers - Ulcerative Colitis - Damage of the colon
  • Optiflora with powder (3 x per day)

  • Optiflora DI

  • HerbLax

  • Alfalfa (5 -10 per day… more if needed)

  • Vitamin D

  • OmegaGuard

  • Stress Relief (avoid stress!!)

  • Drink plenty of water!

  • Fantastic option = Rx for a Healthier Life –(Life-Shakes, Vitalizer, Nutriferon, Vivix)


Testimonial:   As a sufferer of ulcerative colitis, (an embarrassing and potentially serious disease) I wanted to rejuvenate my colon. In combination with my prescription drugs, I've been able to clear up the inflammation and head down the road to recovery. At the end of this month I will be totally off medication. I will continue to use the RX for a healthier life, Vivix, HerbLax, and Optiflora for the rest of my life to ensure fewer flare ups and a healthy colon.

Kimberly Z.


What does H. pylori mean in a pathology report:


Shaklee Independent Distributor

Theresa Carlstedt


Why Do I Feel This Way: by Christine Gaber and Charlene Day

Build a Better You: Dr. Richard Brouse

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This information is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is not intended to replace medical care. This report is not to be used as a substitute for appropriate medical care and consultation, nor should any information in it be interpreted as prescriptive. Any persons who suspect they have a medical challenge should consult their physicians/pediatricians for guidance and proper treatment.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Shaklee is the most clinically proven Nutrition Company in the United States
Saint Cloud, Minnesota 56301
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