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Shaklee Basic H - over 1K uses - Organic Gardening Tips

Theresa Carlstedt

Updated: Mar 20, 2024

What is basic H? Basic H is efficient, powerful, safe, biodegradable, and economical. Basic H is the world's most versatile cleaner. Basic H comes in several sizes. 16 oz, 64 oz, 5 gallon bucket, and 30 gallon. Basic H has over 1,000 uses! Anything you can clean with water, you can clean with Basic-H. Shaklee Basic H - 1K Uses - Vegetable Wash


Potatoes, carrots, etc.; NOT tomatoes. The soil should be conditioned with 1- ¼ (160z) Basic H2 with 10 gallons of water per acre. or 5/8 (16 oz) Basic H2 with 20 gallons of water per acre applied again after the crop is up.


Basic H 5 gallon - Farm and Garden Uses


New ground: Do not use fall formula on any existing plants.

FALL1-1/4 (16 oz) Basic H2 with 20 gallons water per acres before crop is planted.

SPRING: Apply 5/8 (16 oz.) Basic H2 with 20 gallons water per acre immediately after planting.

For existing plants;

FALL: Apply 2/3 (16oz) Basic H2 with 20 gallons water per acre. Repeat in early spring and once in late spring.



When transplanting put 1 - 160z. of Basic H2 with 20 gallons of water for set water. Then wait until the tomatoes take hold and are going well, apply 3/4 of 16 oz. Basic H2 plus 1ounce of Liqui-Lea to 20 gallons of water per acre.

CABBAGE WORMS - Mix 1 tsp. Basic-H to one pint of water. Spray plants each week or ten days until worms are no longer a problem.

Basic H 16 oz - Organic Green Cleaner

 PROTECTING HANDS - Before you go out to plant those garden seeds, coat your hands with full-strength Basic-H full strength. This acts as an invisible glove and makes clean-up easy.

VEGETABLE GARDENS - Mix 1 TBSP. Basic-H to a gallon of water. Pour this in furrow and the seed will soon be sprouting and forming good root systems. Experimentation has shown faster emergence, greater root development, withstanding cold weather better and absorbing proper nutrients and thus increasing their growth.

ABOVE-GROUND VEGETABLES - Mix 2 TBSP. Basic-H with 5 gallons of water. Stir. Pour 1 - 2 quarts around every plant. Apply in evening when cooler. Repeat every 2 - 3 weeks during the growing season. Basic-H makes water 300 times wetter, so the soil nutrients can reach the roots. You'll be surprised and pleased with the increased yield.

Healthy soil releases all nutrients needed for plant growth and development. Shaklee Basic H has over 1K Uses and Organic Gardening Tips is just the start!

Shaklee Basic H over 5,820 Bottles of Window Cleaner

Basic H2® is safe, powerful, and green.

Safe Unlike many all-purpose cleaners that may contain toxins that can be absorbed through the skin or inhaled, and synthetic solvents that may cause hormone disruptions, nasal, skin, and eye irritation, or liver or kidney damage, Basic H2 is safe.

  • Nontoxic

  • No toxic fumes

  • No hazardous chemicals

  • No chlorine

  • pH balanced

  • Fragrance free

  • Mild on your hands

Powerful: Basic H2 is a super concentrated 16 ounces makes 48 gallons. Powerful, all-purpose cleaner that removes dirt, grease, and grime from any washable surface.

Green: Basic H2 is gentle on the planet, with naturally derived and sustainably sourced cleaning agents from corn and coconut. It contains biodegradable surfactants, has no phosphates or dyes, and is safe for septic and gray water systems. Packaging is recyclable.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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