Tension headaches affect 80% of the population
Migraines affect 16% of the population and mostly affect women
It is estimated that there are 20 million people suffering from headaches daily.
It is important to note that headaches are not caused by an aspirin deficiency. The objective is to always treat the cause and not just the symptom(s).
Headaches are caused/triggered by:
Chemical exposures
Cleaner’s and/or certain foods and/or fragrances
Emotional and Physical trauma
Hormonal fluctuations
Fluctuating blood sugar
Structural/vertebrae alignment and jaw and muscle tightness
Digestive – constipation/leaky gut/ toxins in the blood stream
Medications – especially migraine medications can cause rebound headaches.
So, the cause of headaches can be narrowed down to 3 categories: Physical, Emotional, and Chemical.
What is a Migraine
Pain 4 hours to 3 days
Moderate to severe intense pulsating – often affecting 1 side of the brain/head
Often nausea and/or vomiting
Sensitivity to light and sound
Sometimes changes in vision and or hearing and aura or other visual disturbances
Food triggers
Our body can be either pro-inflammatory or anti-inflammatory state. When we are in a pro-inflammatory state any trigger is more likely to cause a headache. When we are in a anti-inflammatory state any trigger is less likely to cause a head.
Nutrition approaches to headache prevention
Calcium and Magnesium help to relax the muscles in head and neck.
B-Complex if vital to restore depleted nutrients caused by stress
Herbs/nutrients to help relax nerves… ashwagandha, L-theanine
Nutritional approaches to migraine prevention
Reduce inflammation (omega 3 fatty acids – fish oil)
Heal the gut (probiotics and HerbLax)
Balance Hormones (GLA, B-Complex, Vitamin E)
Manage Stress
Detox (Milk Thistle – Liver DTX)
Diet emphasizing fresh vegetables and fruits
If you take medication for Migraines or Headaches read the side effects. The healthiest approach to alleviate constant headaches and migraines would be to remove all chemicals – toxic cleaners and fragrances from your home and workplace environment as much as possible. Change your diet to incorporate more fruits and vegetables and less sugar, white flour, dairy, and microwave meals. Regular exercise weekly and taking 15 – 30 minutes out of your day to relax, focus, pray, or meditate can help relieve stress and clear the mind.
Dehydration is a major cause of headaches and migraines. The recommended formula I use is from Tufts University. Take your body weight divide by 2 divide this number by 8. This is how many 8 oz glasses of water you need to drink a day. For every wine or coffee or pop/soda you drink add two 8 oz glasses.
Wishing you a long healthy life - Watch the food you eat, the fluids you drink, and the choices you make - Theresa Carlstedt
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
#headaches #migraine #whatcausesheadaches #migrainerelief #naturalapproaches #stayhydrated #causesofheadaches #diet #toxicenvironment #detox