Incidence of Skin Disorders Eczema – inflammatory skin condition affects about 31 million Americans… About 11% of infants and children (
Rosacea – 16 million Americans (especially high in North East )
Psoriasis – chronic, immune-mediated, inflammatory disease which primarily affects the skin and joints… 2% of US population affected (6.3 million)
Eczema is a common skin irritation that affects some 31 million Americans a year.
Eczema is a superficial skin inflammation characterized by acute pain, redness, oozing, crusting, scaling, flaking, and itching. Scratching or rubbing eczema can lead to scarring.
Dermatitis and Eczema are terms that are often interchangeable but they are slightly different in symptoms, inflammation, and rashes.
There are several types of dermatitis.
Contact Dermatitis is probably the most common and is caused by contact with an irritant - cleaners and having a suppressed immune system. The skin reddens when the contact occurred and may progress to blisters, swelling, itching, pain, and weeping.
Allergic contact dermatitis is caused by exposure to an allergen.
Atopic dermatitis is an itching skin problem whose cause is unknown.
4 Steps to Healthy Skin
Heal the gastrointestinal system
Provide the essential nutrients your body needs to make healthy skin.
Reducing inflammation and normalize the immune system
Eliminate toxins and irritants... Change your home and laundry cleaners from toxic chemicals to organic and natural products and eat as organic as possible.
Eczema - Reduce Inflammation & Normalize the Immune System
Essential Fatty Acids - DHA, EPA, and GLA
Some People with eczema have an inability to metabolize short chain omega 3 fatty acids (ie. from vegetable oils) to the long-chain fatty acids of DHa & EPA
Help reduce inflammation
Improve the barrier function of teh skin and vital for keeping skin cells moist and strong.
Keep a 2:1 ratio of DHA and EPA which is the long chain EFA to GLA
To treat Eczema Naturally you must first have a Healthy Gut.
It is important to note that Topical treatments will not solve the problem of eczema. You must first heal the gastrointestinal system. "The gut is the door through which a majority of disease initiates its entrance into the body" Naturopaths Doctors
"It goes without saying that many factors in today's lifestyle compromise the meticulous integrity of the gut lining, namely food choices and antibiotic therapies. The first area of treatment then for the patient displaying eczema should be the gastrointestinal lining." Dr. Steven Chaney
To Heal the Gut I have had great success with people of all ages using the Shaklee Optiflora Pre/Pro Biotics. When Pregnant women use Shaklee Probitocs it helps prevent babies from developing eczema. Dr. Chris D. Meletis, NC and Jason Barker, ND
Eczema may also be a symptom of something called Leaky Gut Syndrome - a condition that affects the lining of the intestines (this is often called Candida).
Important: Avoid dairy products, sugar, white flour, fried foods, and processed foods.
Drink at least eight glasses of pure water daily and each plenty of fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and a high fiber whole grains.
"My friend's 5 year old grandson suffered with eczema for 3 years. He would wake up scratching and be all bloody each morning. His Mom would wash the sheets every day. They went to many doctors, tried several medications and diets, and it never got better.
When my friend came to visit we washed EVERYTHING he touched with Shaklee cleaners. In 2 days the eczema was gone. When he went to visit his aunt - she washed his clothes with a store brought cleaner...the eczema came back. As soon as he got home, Mom washed the clothes with Shaklee and again...the eczema was gone in two days! ~ Karen S.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Information sourced through Shaklee/other Shaklee leaders/and eczema slides. This information is to share helpful tips and aids that has worked for many a family and person.